Landing Pages: The Online Marketing Tool of the Week

Landing pages drive traffic to your site.
An inbound marketing agency can help you build effective landing pages.

The goal of every website owner is to drive traffic to their site. How that traffic reaches the website will vary depending on the ways in which you market your business. One of the best ways to reach your target audience and bring them to you is with the assistance of landing pages. A quality inbound marketing agency can help you create an effective landing page that will increase your traffic and generate more leads.

Why Should You Use Landing Pages?

Many content writing services hire website copywriters who are familiar with creating web content of all kinds. This includes landing pages designed to generate leads and give your business a boost in traffic. In the most basic terms, landing pages are created with at least one of five purposes in mind. These pages entice visitors to:

  • Visit another webpage
  • Buy something
  • Provide contact information and permissions
  • Tell a friend
  • Generate feedback

If you wish to achieve one of these five purposes, a landing page created by your inbound marketing agency is the ideal solution. While your current web content may fulfill one or all of these purposes, a landing page can be a more effective tool in accomplishing the task.

In addition to fulfilling one of these intents, there are other reasons why you should consider using landing pages as part of your content marketing plan. These pages can be tracked using analytical tools so you can see exactly how many visitors have found your website through these pages, as well as how many of them fill out a form or click on a specific link. This can be valuable information to help you decide if you need to make changes to your inbound marketing strategy to build more traffic and increase your sales.

What Makes a Landing Page Effective?

A poorly designed landing page serves the sole purpose of wasting your time and your money. When you work with an experienced inbound marketing agency, their website copywriters can provide the valuable content necessary to attract your target audience, making your landing page an asset.

Every good landing page, regardless of its purpose, should include the following components to ensure the highest level of success.

  • A compelling headline that attracts attention
  • Simple language
  • A listing of benefits at the top before features
  • Proof of your claims
  • A specific, actionable call to action
  • A guarantee

When your landing page includes each of these elements, it will attract the attention of your intended viewers and provide them with the information they need to act on what they read. Solid copywriting from your team of writers will ensure your landing page achieves its main objective.

So What Makes a Landing Page Great?

An effective landing page will fulfill its purpose, but a great landing page can surpass your expectations. Learning how to create one that will impress your audience and increase the number of leads you obtain can help you build your business faster. The impact of your landing page relies on your ability to appeal to your readers’ emotions. You want them to understand what you can offer and why they need you or your company to provide it for them. This emotional hook will keep your audience engaged and increase the chances that the reader will follow through on your call to action.

To ensure this emotional aspect is properly addressed in your landing page, it must thread through the entire piece, from the headline at the top to the call to action at the bottom. Because this is a marketing piece, it is important for all elements to work together to persuade the reader to take action through compelling language that flows well.

Landing pages are a necessary element of your content marketing plan. If you aren’t working with an inbound marketing agency that provides website copywriters with experience in this area, you could be missing a large portion of your target audience and potential sales. For this reason, look for content writing services that can show you examples of successful landing pages. With the right experience, your landing pages can drive more traffic, generate better leads and increase your sales.

If you are looking for an inbound marketing agency that can help you create compelling, effective landing pages, contact us. We can help you drive more traffic and generate more qualified leads.