What, Why and How of Organic SEO Ranking for Your Website

Your content writer should focus on organic search rankings.
A good article writing service can help you boost your organic search rankings.

Due to the increased use of the Internet, particularly on mobile platforms, more people are turning to websites to determine where to shop and what to buy. Because of this fast-growing trend, it is more important than ever to work with an article writing service to rank well on the search engines. Obtaining organic SEO rankings can drive more traffic, in turn leading to more conversions.

Increase in Mobile Searches

One of the biggest reasons you need to work hard on achieving higher organic SEO rankings is due to the increase in mobile searches. Many consumers now use smartphones and other mobile devices to look up products and businesses while they are on the go. In addition to focusing on general search terms, it’s also important to place emphasis on local search results. These local searches bring more customers to your physical locations. However, if you also have a strong online presence, you may want to spend time on your global search terms to reach a larger online audience.

Stay Updated on Algorithm Changes

The search engines are constantly updating their algorithms in an attempt to give Internet users the information they need. If your content writers don’t stay on top of these changes, it can have a negative impact on your organic search results. For instance, the latest changes have shifted the importance away from keywords and their placement toward quality content that provides valuable information to readers. Finding an article writing service that follows this philosophy and is ready to accommodate any future changes will improve your rankings and help keep you in your new position.

More than Just Content Marketing

Content marketing consists of more than just creating the content your users will read. A quality article writing service will look over your website as part of their marketing packages and help you optimize that site to attract more visitors. Social media and public relations are also important elements to use so you can more effectively reach your target audience. These factors are all important pieces of the puzzle because search engines look at more than just one element when determining rankings. In fact, Google looks at more than 200 different points to choose the best sites to rank on the first page.

Set Your Goals

Now that you understand the importance of organic SEO rankings, you can work with your article writing service to set content marketing goals. Your content writers can use these goals to help you achieve success. These goals should include:

  • Updating Site Content – Even if you have content on your site, it may be time to rewrite, organize and update the current content to better appeal to your audience.
  • Producing New Content – You can’t write your content once and forget about it. Instead, your content writers should regularly produce new content to hold the attention of the search engines.
  • Improving Your Site Structure – Sometimes the structure of your site can have a negative impact on your rankings. Your article writing service should look at meta tags, headings, subheadings, URLs and more to make sure they are all optimized.
  • Making Your Site Public – It’s important to make sure your entire website is open to the public so the search engines can crawl it. A site map and analytics on all pages can help search engine spiders crawl your site.
  • Creating a Responsive Website – It’s no longer enough to have a website. Your website should be responsive, automatically adjusting to accommodate the size of the device visitors are using to view your site.

Search engine rankings are an important factor in your success online. If visitors aren’t able to find your website with a simple search, you could be missing a large portion of your target audience. Organic SEO rankings are the most important way to ensure your website can be found online, especially by those who are looking for a local company from a mobile device. For many companies, this means it is necessary to hire content writers from an article writing service to evaluate the current website and make adjustments to the current content. In addition to adjusting the message, you also need a steady flow of new content to ensure your website maintains its rankings.

If you are looking for help with your organic SEO results, contact us. We can evaluate your site and help you make adjustments to your marketing plan.