If you are new to the world of blogging, you may find yourself making some damaging mistakes. As a blogger, you may aim to make money, but you often can’t do that immediately. Creating a blog that can provide an income for you requires patience, practice and plenty of time. If you can avoid making some of the amateur blogger mistakes, you can have a successful blog.

Good Content
Your content is the most important part of your blog. Once you have chosen your topic, you will need to make sure you are consistently creating blog posts that are informative and of good quality. It isn’t enough to just write about your business. You need to create posts that will teach your readers something new. When they are learning from your blog, they will be more likely to come back and read more. Posting to your blog on a consistent basis is also important. You should post at least once a week and always on the same day of the week. You can post multiple days as well.

Connect to Your Readers
Creating a connection to your readers is an important part of being a good blogger. Your readers need to feel as though you are maintaining your blog for their benefit, not your own. One way you can do this is by turning the comments on for your blog. When people comment on your blog, reply by answering their question or simply thank them for taking the time to read your blog. Allowing your readers to share your posts via social media can also help you connect and drive traffic naturally.

Monetize Your Blog
Another common rookie mistake by many bloggers is placing too many ads on your blog too early in the game. In order to make money with your blog, you need to have a solid following. This is why it is important to build your following first. When people first find your blog, they are more likely to click away without reading if they are bombarded by ads right away. The ads should wait until you already have a strong following. This is where the money can be made.

Reader Attention
Keeping the attention of your audience is another important aspect of being a good blogger. There are several ways you can do this. Using headlines that are informative and interesting will help draw in your readers. If your headline is vague or boring, they aren’t likely to read the post. It is also important to keep your posts short, often between 400 and 500 words, with short sentences and paragraphs. Using bullet lists and subheadings can help break up the posts as well. In addition, you need to include pictures whenever possible to draw attention to your posts.
Making rookie mistakes as a blogger can be detrimental to the success of your blog. If you can’t attract readers and keep them coming back, your blog can’t be successful. This takes time and patience on your part. But what if you don’t have the time to give your blog the attention it needs? This is where content companies can help. They use writers who know what it takes to create an interesting blog that will attract readers and keep them returning to read more in the future.