Company Newsletter: The Online Marketing Tool of the Week

Company news is essential to inbound marketing.
A company newsletter delivers information about your company to your readers’ email.

Your inbound marketing strategy should reach out to your target audience in a way that puts them in control of the information they receive. One of the most cost-effective ways to do this is to allow your customers to sign up for a company newsletter. Whether you hire a content writing service or someone within your company creates the content, this marketing tactic sends valuable information relating to your company and industry directly to your subscribers’ inbox on a regular basis, increasing the impact without spending a large portion of your budget.

The Use of Newsletters

A company newsletter created by your copywriting service can serve multiple purposes. The most common reason businesses use this type of email marketing is to send news regarding the company to their customers. This news can include the introduction of new products, a staffing change or a new sale. While this is one of the most common uses of newsletters, it is not the only one. Many companies also use newsletters to educate their readers on various aspects of the industry or their business, review products or services or provide useful tips that help customers use their products or services. Some newsletters use a combination of these purposes, while others focus on one over the others.

What Are the Benefits?

Before using any type of content for your inbound marketing, it is essential to evaluate the benefits and determine if it is the right option for your business. Newsletters can provide a number of benefits to companies that use them, including:

  • A Timely Option – When businesses want to give their customers information right away, a newsletter is one of the most effective ways to do it. Many individuals check their email daily, often multiple times per day, giving them easy access to the information offered in the newsletter.
  • Cost-Effective Content – Creating a digital newsletter that is sent through email is a cost-effective option for any business. Besides the cost of hiring a content writing service to create the content, sending this newsletter to your readers will not cost you anything additional.
  • Searchability and Sharability – Your newsletter content will be available online, which means search engines will likely index it and provide access through search engine results. In addition to making your newsletter searchable, it can also be shared with the recipient’s friends and family members. This can further expand your reach.
  • Create More Links – Your copywriting service should include links within your newsletter content, leading individuals from your newsletter articles to your website. This can help you generate more traffic for your website and increase your profitability.
  • Establish Expertise – Every company wants to be seen as a leader in the industry. Creating a quality newsletter as part of your inbound marketing can enhance your reputation online and establish your      company as a leader in the field. This can be valuable in attracting new customers.

How Does the Process Work?

Making the decision to use a newsletter as an inbound marketing tool is just the first step in the process. Even if you work with a content writing service to create and distribute your newsletter, understanding the process can be helpful. There are several steps to the newsletter process.

  1. Identify Your Target Audience – Who is most likely to request and read this newsletter content?
  2. Build a Distribution List – Create a list of individuals who are already registered to receive the newsletter. This list will be a fluid piece of work as more individuals sign up and others unsubscribe.
  3. Create a Distribution Strategy – Determine how you will distribute the newsletter. While most companies send them through email, you may also hand out copies at a trade show or other event or make them available at the front office for your company.
  4. Draft the Content – Whether you work with a copywriting service or you complete your own content, the next step is to create all the content that will be included in your newsletter. Keep space in mind so your newsletter isn’t too long.
  5. Put It Together – Finally, you need to put your content together. An experienced content writing service may have templates from which to choose. If not, they will help you create a design that will appeal to your audience and create a good impression of your company.

Choosing the company newsletter for your inbound marketing plan can be an effective aspect of your strategy. Working with a content writing service to create this important marketing tool can ensure you reach your target audience in a way that encourages them to turn to you to meet their needs. The proper use of a newsletter can be one of the most cost-effective components of your content marketing.

If you are interested in adding a newsletter to your inbound marketing, contact us. Our professionals can create a compelling newsletter your readers will enjoy receiving.