The Importance of a Call-to-Action on Every Page on Your Site

Your website content writing service should include a call-to-action on every page.

You likely have goals in mind when creating relevant, compelling content for your website. Unfortunately, there’s no magical formula that will automatically create the results you want. Hiring a website content writing service to compose your site content is a great step in the right direction. As you work with your website content provider on your inbound content marketing strategy, it’s important to make sure they include a call-to-action at the bottom of every page you place on your site.

What Is a Call-to-Action?

You’ve probably heard the term, but you may not be aware of what it is. In simple terms, a call-to-action is a short paragraph, typically no more than two short sentences, placed at the bottom of the page to tell readers what you expect them to do next. It is designed to entice readers to click a link to visit other pages on your website or to contact you for more information. This statement should be specific and authoritative so there’s no question what you want from your readers.

Setting a Goal

Before your website content writing service starts creating calls-to-action for the bottom of every page, they need to know what your goals are. These goals are often found in your inbound content marketing strategy but should be revisited often to make sure they are on target with what you expect from your company. In addition to relevant, compelling content for your website, this call-to-action should be written to fulfill each page’s goal.

Always Include a Link

One of the most important elements in your call-to-action, especially on your webpages, is to include a link. This link should help readers fulfill your call to action. For instance, if you want your readers to browse through your selection of products, ask your website content provider to link to your store page or even a page of specific items your readers may be interested in. Another option is to link to your Contact Us page so your readers can send an email or request more information.

What about Landing Pages?

While landing pages also require a call-to-action, they are slightly different than your typical webpages. One of the biggest differences in landing page content writing is the pages are often short and to the point. They also typically include a form you want your readers to fill out to add them to your mailing list. In some situations, they may receive something special in return, such as a discount or an eBook. Regardless of what the end result is, it’s important for your website content writing service to make sure it’s clear you want them to fill out the form and what they should expect in return. These calls-to-action don’t require a link because the goal is to fill out the on-page form.

Why Every Page?

You may be thinking a call-to-action is a great asset, but why do you have to put one on every page. After all, you already create relevant, compelling content for your webpage. The answer is simple. Not all readers will browse through your entire site or even land on the same page. This unpredictability makes it essential to include a call-to-action on every page instead of just one or two. This will ensure everyone who visits your website understands what you expect from them, regardless of which pages they read.

Calls-to-action are one of the most neglected aspects of many inbound content marketing strategies. Once you realize how important it is to include one on every page, you will need to work with your website content provider to ensure they understand what you want and how to develop these calls-to-action so they effectively reach your readers. When you supply your readers with the information they need, they are more likely to rely on you to satisfy those needs.

If you are looking for a website content writing service to include calls-to-action on all of your webpages, contact us. We offer the expertise needed to help people understand what you want them to do.