Tips to Decrease Your Website’s Bounce Rate and Increase Conversions

Find out how to reduce your bounce rate.
Your bounce rate plays a big role in the success of your site.

Attracting people to your website simply isn’t enough to consider your marketing efforts a success. Another important element that must be taken into account is your bounce rate. This rate refers to the percentage of visitors who view the first page they encounter and then leave your site. In order to increase your conversion rate, it’s necessary to know how to reduce your bounce rate. The longer people spend on your website, the more likely they are to make a purchase from you.

How Do You Calculate Bounce Rate?

When visitors come to your site, they will typically look over the page they initially encounter and then make a decision whether they want to visit another page on your site or leave altogether. If they choose to leave your site, this will contribute to a higher bounce rate. To calculate your bounce rate, you need to divide the number of visitors who view just one page by the total number of visitors. You can evaluate this number based on your overall site or for a particular page to help you determine the efficiency of each page of your site. If you want to improve your website conversion rate, you need to work on lowering that bounce rate first.

Be Realistic about Your Expectations

Many website owners see what they perceive as a high bounce rate and think they need to work harder. They collaborate with website content writing services and don’t see as much improvement as they expect. Unfortunately, many companies have incorrect expectations for their bounce rate. For instance, blogs typically see a 70 to 98 percent bounce rate, while content websites often see rates of 40 to 60 percent. Landing pages also have higher-than-average conversion rates.

Reach Your Target Audience

One of the ways marketing content writers can assist in lowering your bounce rate is to help you target the right audience. Many people encounter a website while searching for something else and find it doesn’t meet their needs. When they leave, the bounce rate goes up. However, if you are working with website content writing services that are focused on the people who are most likely to need your products or services, you will see a reduction in this rate because these customers typically visit other pages on your site as well.

Enhance Usability

When people visit your site, its user-friendliness can play a dramatic role in whether they stay or leave right away. As part of your conversion rate optimization, you should look at the colors you are using, the size of the font, your use of white space and the overall organization of the website, particularly in the navigation. Even using bullet points in your content can decrease your bounce rate and improve your conversions.

Create Quality Content

Marketing content writers can help by producing a steady stream of quality content that appeals to your readers. Adding blog posts on a regular basis is one of the best ways to keep attractive content flowing. However, there are other types of content website content writing services can provide to entice your readers to stay on your website. For instance, eBooks and case studies are longer pieces of content that can showcase your business as a leader and encourage readers to visit other pages.

Make Navigation Easy

One of the most important elements of a low bounce rate is making it easier for your visitors to find exactly what they are looking for. This may include placing links to the major pages on your website along the top of the page. Adding popular links related to the current page along the side bar can also help. When combined with the internal links you use within your content, you will provide visitors plenty of opportunities to learn more within your website.

While you may not be able to get your bounce rate down under 50 percent, that doesn’t mean your website is doomed to fail. Understanding the nature of this rate and what is considered a decent rate will help you make the necessary adjustments to your website to decrease your bounce rate and increase your conversions.

If you’re looking for website content writing services to help improve your conversions, contact us. We can help you create the quality content your readers are looking for.