Get Your Web Content in Shape: Outsource Your Inbound Marketing

If having a good physique is important to you, you work out regularly with a mix of activities like weight lifting, running, biking, and yoga. Afterward, you look good, you feel good, and you know your appearance attracts attention. Inbound marketing is a similar kind of phenomena.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is the development of new content on a regular basis that’s intended to draw attention (traffic) to your site with the goal of conversion. That content can include anything you create with the intention of attracting notice. Website content, blogs, and social media marketing posts are akin to the spinning, pilates, and kettlebell classes that make you attractive. They create positive attention to your website.

Once you’ve attracted your ideal target, your website needs to convert that visitor to a customer, and then you need to close the deal and deliver a product or service that keeps them coming back. Think of inbound marketing as a couch-to-5k program. At the beginning of that fitness program, you’re just walking around the block. This is where you want to attract people to your site through things like blog content writing and social media marketing that’s informative, useful, and engaging. Then, maybe you learn a slow jog. This is where effective landing pages and calls to action turn your first-time visitor into a regular who keeps coming back. Once you begin running regularly, it’s like sending emails to your visitors who have opted in and said they want to hear from you regularly. And completing that 5k? You’ve made a sale and created a happy customer who’s telling friends about your product or service.

The Power of Inbound Marketing

There are several reasons companies turn to inbound marketing to develop their target audience. It’s a relatively low-cost investment with the potential for a high ROI. Even on the shortest of shoestring budgets, most website hosts have ready-to-go blog plugins that include social media sharing features. You can start developing your own content immediately. Through trial and error, you may achieve some success through blog content writing and social media sharing although you might not quite be sure what worked, which makes effective and ongoing inbound marketing and success in lead generation hard to maintain.

If you’re attracting customers based on your content, they’re already interested in what you have to offer, so some of that persuasive work is already done for you. You still need to get folks over the next hurdle though.  Effective inbound marketing builds ongoing relationships and strong lead generation through content writing because your leads look to you as a source of reliable, trusted, and useful info. So you need to keep producing website content and social media marketing that keeps customers coming back while still attracting new traffic that returns.

Inbound marketing that gets results requires a regular investment of time and energy to monitor the effectiveness of it. A good inbound marketing team understands analytics and reporting to assess the results of your efforts, use that data to make wise adjustments, and capitalize on shortening the loop to encourage conversions as efficiently as possible.

Why Outsource Inbound Marketing?

There’s a sweet spot between handling your inbound marketing yourself and needing to staff a full inbound marketing team to handle it. Many businesses may need a marketing department’s work but don’t necessarily want to put together a complete marketing team, for a variety of reasons.

Good inbound marketing requires several skills that you’d be hard-pressed to find in just one or two employees. Core skills include website development, graphic design, digital marketing, social media marketing and management, digital advertising, blog writing services, and video content development. And, of course, you need a project manager, too, to keep it all of the copywriting, web design, ad placement, social media channels, SEO development, and video production running smoothly.

Assembling a team like that requires additional payroll, not to mention the office space and tools to carry out inbound marketing. That’s a pretty significant commitment and not one that a lot of companies can roll out easily. Just producing quality blog content writing and social media marketing posts alone could be a full-time job for someone. However, you still need inbound marketing, and you need it done well. That’s where outsourcing digital marketing comes in.

Outsourcing Advantages 

Outsourcing a marketing department has several advantages that make it a good return on your investment, whether you hire an agency to handle all of it or to supplement the efforts of your existing marketing team. It’s like getting a personal trainer for your inbound marketing. An agency has real-world marketing experience in helping people improve their lead generation through website performance, engagement, and conversions.

And like a good workout routine that becomes second nature but still delivers noticeable results, an inbound marketing agency can automate certain tasks for you, like a blog writing service, so that you can see the benefits with greater speed and clarity and less direct effort. And finally, their knowledge and skill honed through practice, practice, practice, make them an ideal sprinter who’s ready to run with an idea when you are. An agency can move quickly in identifying opportunities and have associated content ready to roll out with speed.

Outsourcing digital marketing can boost the work you’re already doing and take it to the next level like a personal trainer but for your business. A digital marketing agency has the expertise, agility, and productivity to provide you with robust and dynamic inbound marketing primed for lead generation. Contact us today to learn how we can get your inbound marketing into shape. As an agency, we’ve seen a lot of trends come and go and we know what works. Our experts can provide insight to help you strategize effectively so you can concentrate on running your business. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Click the ebook to learn more about outsourcing your digital marketing.