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eBooks: A New Chapter in Online Lead Generation

We wrote the book on lead generation... eBook that is. Read more about it by downloading our free eBook.

You’ve mastered your craft, added new stores, exceeded sales forecasts. Now you can put all that knowledge and expertise into one impressive lead generation vehicle, an eBook showcasing your business acumen.

Behold the 3 E’s:

Expertise.​ ​​You know better than anyone the ​kinds of questions your customers have. If you’re ​an electrician you probably get asked “what’s the deal with LED lighting?” There you have your topic!

Entertain. ​​Take yourself with a grain of salt and you’ll earn an ocean of respect. People who download your ebook are responding to a promise to solve a problem. The tone should be helpful, upbeat and anything but boring.

Engage. ​Give readers a reason to think, “Gee, this is a really smart approach, I never thought of this,” and you bring them one step closer to becoming a customer.

5 eBook Essentials:

  • A Tip-Top Topic
  • A Value-Packed Tack
  • Format and Flow
  • Prose Like The Pros
  • Don’t Make It Look Like Advertising

​So, ready to​ ​get​ the word out and put these lead generation techniques to the test?​ ​Your​ ​eBook is​ ​free​ ​for​ ​the​ ​asking.​ ​

Just​ ​fill​ ​out​ ​the form​ ​and​ ​download​ ​now!

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eBook Marketing

An eBook captures totally targeted leads!

Leads will literally come to you. Before they can download the book, a potential client gives their email address so you can tap into targets already interested in you. Here are a few other benefits:

  • Create good will. People love reading on their computers
  • Google rewards original, fact-filled content
  • Viewer engagement can be tracked and analyzed

When they download your eBook, they’re saying ‘I’m interested.’ Find out more right now!

Just​ ​fill​ ​out​ ​the​ ​form​ ​and​ ​we’ll​ ​send​ ​you​ ​​Good Reads = Good Leads: Why eBooks May Be The Best Idea For Content Marketing fast for​ ​free!