Stop being a networking neophyte! Our eBook, Be A Good Influence(r), shows you how to quadruple connections by posting and publishing articles on LinkedIn for business.
The leading social network for businesses and professionals does more than host resumes. People seeking information about a company can find:
- Business description
- Headquarters
- Website
- Number of employees
- Their profiles
- Current job openings
They can also opt to “follow” the company’s future posts. For a fee, LinkedIn members can upgrade to see deeper information such as company growth trends and recent leadership changes.
On the other hand, people seeking to be found can, of course, post their CV, awards and other qualifications while requesting skills endorsements from past and present colleagues. They can also show up in searches when opportunities come to call.
To maximize LinkedIn for business membership, you’ll learn how to:
Polish Your Profile to highlight your most recent achievements using keywords to attract more searchers.
Cultivate Connections to expand your network exponentially so you’ll be thought of for more opportunities.
Fortify Your Feed to engage, build authority and boost visibility to the key people most important to your business and career.
You’ll also be shown how to set up a personal and company LinkedIn for business page.
Simply fill out the form and get your very own FREE copy of Be A Good Influence(r) today.

If You're Not LinkedIn, You're Locked Out
There’s so much news, opinions, job openings and networking opportunities being exchanged every minute of the day on LinkedIn. If you’re hiring, hop in. If you’re expanding, expound. If you’re looking to move up, move in. And if you’re a small business wanting to get a piece of the action, act now!
Put Some Ink to LinkedIn
To get the most out of this major social media network, we’ll show you how to master the art of article writing. It will serve you in so many ways including:
- Gain leadership authority
- Show up on followers feeds
- Benefit when people share your article
- Find new followers and connections
- Get in line to go viral
These and other ways to become an influencer on LinkedIn for business are FREE for the asking. Just fill out the form above and we’ll send this point-packed eBook straight to your account.
See you on the links!