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Promote Your Company with Social Media Marketing

Learn how when you download our free eBook, Social Media Marketing: Win friends and influence fans and followers.

In the next five minutes, millions of people will tweet, post, pin or share something with their fans, friends and family. They’ll communicate a “like” or a link to their online community and that message, in turn, will be read and retweeted again and again throughout the day. It may even go viral. Don’t you wish they were saying something nice about your company?

This activity represents a huge potential market for your business. The number of users on social media continues to rise at a phenomenal rate. The 2016 end-of-year statistics released by Facebook alone are staggering:

  • Over 1.7 billion monthly users
  • 5 billion “likes” generated daily
  • Over 15% increase in active users over last year
  • 20% increase in mobile users since 2014
  • Over 10 million websites use a Facebook like or share button
  • 5 billion pieces of content shared daily

Neglecting social media could be your biggest mistake. Our comprehensive look at the top sites and positioning techniques can put you in the midst of new markets in no time.

And it’s absolutely free. Simply fill out the form and download now!

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Political Marketing

Don’t stay in the dark about social media marketing another day!

With this informative eBook you’ll come away knowing more about:

  • Major social media marketing platforms
  • How to target each one
  • The benefits of a blog
  • Building a community
  • Becoming a thought leader
  • Managing the process

You’ll also learn how to use social analytics to track engagement. In addition to gender, age and location, these observations can reveal what time of day people check in, what they search for, how they respond compared to your previous posts, which hashtags they follow through on and who “followed” and “unfollowed” you after seeing your content.

Just fill out the form and we’ll send you the quintessential social media marketing handbook on how to Win Friends and Influence Fans and Followers fast, and on the house!