When you reach a certain age, you may realize you can’t do some of the same things that were natural several years ago. Whether it’s because of a disability, injury, or simply getting older, asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, National Center on Caregiving, roughly 66% of older people who require senior care receive it from either family members or other volunteers. However, some people don’t have many family members, and many times family members aren’t nearby to provide the right amount of senior care. If you’re approaching your senior years and don’t have children or extended family members nearby, here are some steps to consider taking.

Speak With A Lawyer And A Financial Planner

A lawyer specializing in elder law can help you put together legal documents such as a living will, power of attorney, health care proxy, and anything else they deem necessary. These documents can also indicate the type of medical care you receive if you become ill and cannot make decisions on your own. Speaking with a financial planner can also help the aging population recognize how much money they may need to live comfortably throughout their senior years. A lot of this depends on whether you strive for independent living or are looking forward to staying at an assisted living facility, so those are things to think about as well.

Know Where You Want To Live During Your Senior Years

Many seniors today want to pursue independent living at their home. However, it’s important to recognize you will likely need some level of senior care as you get older. Without immediate family in the picture, consider whether you want to hire a primary caregiver to help you with your needs so you can continue living at home. Assisted living facilities can be good options as well since you’ll get the care you need and may even make some friends in the process. The choice is yours, but now is the time to think about what you want to do so you can plan accordingly.

Create A Support System You Can Consider To Be Family

Without the natural support system of a family, you may have to create your own support system as you get older. This could include people from your church, groups or organizations you belong to, or anything else you may be involved in. Developing great relationships can give you some confidence knowing you can rely on someone to help you when you need them most.

Next Day Access wants to help the aging population live their senior years as comfortably as they want. Not having a family to help support you at home means you may need to improvise in different areas. We offer an extensive line of home accessibility products to help you feel safe navigating your home, even with limited mobility. Now is the time to start preparing for life after retirement, so contact us today to schedule a free home assessment to determine what you may need to live comfortably.