What’s More Important: Web Content or Web Design?

Some businesses want to prioritize their website to ensure they reach their target audience and bring in more sales. However, it can be difficult to consider the importance of web content versus web design. Experienced content marketers understand you want to find the best ways to present information to your audience and increase the chances they will become your customers. Content writing services can help you evaluate which aspect you should focus on first so you can continue to build your business.
Judge a Book by Its Cover
We’ve all heard the cliché stating you should never judge a book by its cover, but the truth of the matter is most people will do it anyway. The same holds true when you consider creating your website. While your web page content writer should be able to create quality content to share on your website, presentation is also critical. If your website isn’t attractive to your target audience, keeping them on your website, even the best content won’t have the impact you’re looking for. In fact, you only have a few seconds to make a first impression so make sure it counts.
Today’s Content Is More Visual
When you consider web content versus web design, it’s important to recognize that you can now achieve the best of both worlds. In fact, one of the most popular types of content today is the infographic, along with a number of other visual representations of the information you want to share. Not only will this type of content provide the valuable data your readers are looking for, but it will also improve the overall look and feel of your website, helping to keep more traffic on your website.

Organization Is Key
The way you organize your content can play a pivotal role in the success of your website. This is another reason your presentation is often more important than the content itself. For instance, if your website is currently having performance issues, you may need to take a better look at your navigation and where the content is located within your site structure. Your content writing services can help you create an effective website that helps your visitors find exactly what they’re looking for to keep them interested in your company.
Content Is Still Important
While it may seem it’s more important to focus on the presentation of the content on your website, your content writing is still critical to the success of your website. If your website is visually attractive, it’s more likely to keep people there longer. However, if they begin to realize the content on your site isn’t worth their time or they aren’t learning anything, they won’t return to your website. For this reason, it’s necessary to find the perfect balance between the two elements to enhance the user experience, while still making the best possible impression on everyone who visits your website.

Social Media Benefits from Presentation
If you want to improve your social media success, it’s critical to make sure information is presented in an appealing manner. Social media is a widely visual platform, encouraging users to share images and other visual content, capturing their attention and increasing the chances they will pass the information along to their own family and friends. In addition to increasing social sharing, well-presented content will also lower bounce rates, increase click through rates and boost your credibility.
Experienced content marketers can be an important tool in making sure your website is as effective as you need it to be. When you consider the importance of web content versus web design, the truth is both are important to your success. However, great content is just one piece of the puzzle. Without a well-designed website that is attractive to your target audience, you will have difficulty driving more traffic and keeping them on your website long enough to make a sale.
If you’re struggling with the success of your website, contact us. Our content writing services can help you create a visually-appealing website that provides the valuable content your customers are looking for.