Don’t Forget Business Press Releases in Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Creating a digital marketing strategy for your business is like creating a recipe. You need to add a few different ingredients to make it appealing. Without one of them, it can lack flavor and won’t attract as many people. When you’re creating your digital marketing strategy, there are a few reasons it’s important to incorporate business press releases and why they’re effective.
They Fit Any Type of Budget
Whether you have a start-up or your business is established and continues to grow, you can afford a press release. Press releases work for any type of budget because they’re very low cost. This means you can make use of them frequently depending on how many announcements you need to make to the public. They’re the perfect option if you don’t have a lot of funding and are still in the process of finding more investors.
In past years, press releases cost more in time and money. Today, press releases are a lot more seamless and don’t require as many steps because they’re digital and will only require a few hours of your time. Consider them a part of your email campaign and send them out to the right people. This also makes it easier to follow up and even receive responses from your recipients.
You can send your press releases out to segment journalists and track who is interested in the information you share about your business or organization. This can give you an idea if it’s an effective form of marketing and if any adjustments are needed.
Utilize Social Media
Another reason press releases are low cost is because you can post them on your multiple social media platforms. This can allow you to reach more people and keep your fans and followers informed. More newsrooms also utilize digital channels because of the amount of content and information that is available. This is one of the best ways of sharing more information about your business and making it easier to find.
Get More Visitors to Your Website
The main goal of your press release digital marketing strategy is to increase the traffic to your website. With business press releases, it allows you to take advantage of SEO to ensure your site ranks higher on Google when searches are performed. When you create a press release, include several backlinks to reach more people. This is a great way to include a specific case study, link, or video on your website. It’s a tool to further support your message and communicate what you’re trying to say more effectively.
You can also link to high-quality websites in the press release if you obtain any media coverage. Businesses know this is one of the most effective ways of increasing your ranking and making it easier for people to find your business.
You can even hire press release writers to create the content to ensure it boosts your organic traffic. They’ll know the right language to use and will create high-quality professional content that puts your brand in the best light. This can allow you to save time in your busy schedule and tend to more important matters you’re managing.
Have More Control
As a business, it can often feel like you don’t get much control over your reviews or even what people post about your brand on social media. Press releases are unique because they allow you to have a lot more control and decide the narrative. You can decide what quotes to include, the length of the content, and the most important information about the topic that you want to add.
If you choose to add quotes, they should highlight why the product or service is important and the impact it will make on the industry. It can also cover how it will benefit consumers to ensure it appears valuable. Quotes allow you to add some persuasion in the press release without appearing biased. Background information is another component of an effective press release.
If you use press release writing services, communicate what your message is to ensure the writers can include the right details. They’ll be qualified to highlight important facts and use the correct formatting and verbiage to ensure it’s a high-quality press release that helps you meet your digital marketing goals.
Earn the Trust of the Reader
One of the most common challenges businesses face is earning the trust of their audience. If they earn the trust of consumers, it means they’ll have more success because they’ll appear more reputable. Press releases are effective because they build trust and the message always stands out to ensure it makes an impression on the readers. It convinces them why they should take note of your brand and how the product or service can change their life or solve a problem they may not even know they have.
Readers are more prone to trust stories that a third-party source writes rather than something that is released by the company. This will immediately add more value to your company and can get people talking.
Now that you know the importance of including press releases in your digital marketing strategy, reach out to our team to get the help you need! Contact us today to get started.