Real Estate Writers Help You Stand-out in a Competitive Market
In a competitive field like real estate, you need an edge to attract clients and prove you’re the right agent for the job. It’s no secret that real estate agents are highly competitive, which is why you need to make a good first impression on prospective clients. The content posted on your website or blog can be your only chance to prove you’re the agent prospective home buyers and sellers need.
Prove You’re an Expert
When buyers or sellers are looking to hire a real estate agent, they’ll conduct research to try and find someone who is both experienced and knowledgeable. You’ll need to write blog posts, answer questions on social media, and post engaging content to show what you know. Real estate agent marketing is only effective if you can prove you’re an expert with the different topics you discuss. Your readers should become more informed because of the information you share and start to trust what you have to say. A content writer can showcase your knowledge with engaging content and help you develop a voice that is personable. The content created can include advice for first-time buyers, overviews of specific neighborhoods, reports about market trends, and client stories.
Real estate writers will have the time to be extremely thorough and use real estate terms to ensure the content represents your expertise. You can rely on someone who won’t cut corners and provide you with polished content you’re proud to show off.
A Website Blog is a Must
Your website is a representation of your brand and should look both polished and professional. If the content is boring, visitors will likely move on to another site. This requires continuously updating the website to ensure it’s fresh and current.
Managing a blog is one of the most important parts of your website and influences how much organic traffic you attract each month. It’s essential to post an average of 16 blogs each month to boost your traffic. Although many real estate agents assume posting weekly is enough, it’s not. You likely don’t have the time to post four articles each week, which is why you may need to to hire real estate writers.
Build Your Client Base
When you’re looking for an expert who specializes in marketing for realtors, a content writer understands what techniques and tactics are most effective. Studies show content marketing generates three times more leads compared to traditional marketing efforts and at a fraction of the cost. You can start to build your client base without spending as much of your budget.
Increase Your Online Presence
Content is crucial for increasing your online presence–it’s the bread crumbs that buyers and sellers will follow to find your social media platform or website. Studies show 90 percent of people look for homes online, whereas 89 percent of buyers or sellers use the Internet to find their agents. Without a strong online presence, you can’t expect to grow your business and could get lost in the shuffle.
Stand Out on Social Media
A stronger presence on social media is important to connect with clients. It’s a fast and easy way of posting content every day. If you want to connect with first-time buyers, a content writer can help you build a platform on Instagram where millennials spend the most time. This is also a place where you can post high-quality photos of homes you’re selling or post video tours of properties.
Hiring a content writer to post regularly on Facebook will allow you to connect with older prospective clients who may be looking to buy or sell their homes. Real estate writers will consistently post links to the blog articles to boost traffic on your site.
Connect with Prospective Clients By Answering FAQs
A great way of making a connection with prospective buyers is by answering questions posted on various real estate-related websites. It not only allows you to be helpful and share your knowledge on the internet but can make it easy to show you’re reputable. Thousands of people can see your response to a frequently asked question and choose to reach out for your services.
A content writer will take the time to answer these questions when you may not have any more room in your schedule. They’ll know how to use free keyword tools to help you rank better in searches by using specific keywords.
Define your Diferentiator
Although you may not think there’s anything unique to your brand, real estate writers have an outside perspective and can make you stand out amongst other agents. They can differentiate your brand and help you discover who you want to target with your content writing. Writing to a desired audience instead of everyone will allow you to show off your specialty and become more competitive. You may be qualified to help buyers find open land or appeal to retirees who are looking to downsize. Whatever it is that makes you special and unique, a content writer will know how to highlight that skill.
Real estate writers will create a list of topics for your blog they’ll write about specific to your specialty. This can allow your site to have a higher ranking in no time when someone is looking for a specific type of real estate agent.
Contact us today to finally get the edge you need to increase your client base. One of our real estate writers can focus your marketing strategies on successful results.