Why Social Media is Important to Your Law Firm Marketing

Law firms often don’t have a strong social media presence because they don’t believe they can get clients from any given platform. But the truth is more people than ever before are willing to find a lawyer on social media, and many people start there before looking anywhere else. So if your current law firm marketing strategy doesn’t include social media, it’s time to start thinking about how you can incorporate it. We’ve discussed some of the main benefits of making social media a focal point of your overall law firm marketing strategy.

Boost Brand Awareness And Encourage Engagement

In the digital age we live in today, people want to associate with brands they can trust. And one of the main ways they gain trust is by seeing brands online and on social media. Traditional methods of advertising like billboards and radio ads can still be effective, but including social media can add another layer to build trust and brand awareness. 

As far as consumer engagement goes, people want to interact with real people on social media. Having a social media account is a start, but you have to engage with people who reach out to you as well. This will increase trust and boost your reputation significantly, especially if you communicate with people publicly rather than via private messages. Do your best to encourage engagement on social media and your brand will become well-known.

Direct People To Your Website

Social media is also a great place to direct people to your website. Your legal content writers work hard to create relevant content, so utilize social media to spread the word. One thing you have to remember is to ensure your law firm website design is modern, updated, and user-friendly. If not, you will need to fix any issues right away to avoid damaging your reputation. People want to see a clean law firm website design so they can navigate it easily. A cluttered website that’s hard to follow will have the opposite effect and your brand will be memorable to consumers for the wrong reasons.

Expand Your Audience

As you post more legal content, you should earn more followers. And when those followers share your content, your audience can expand significantly. Choosing the right social media platform is vital and many law firms benefit from multiple platforms. Facebook and LinkedIn are the top options for the legal industry since people tend to rely on those platforms for referrals. However, if you see opportunities to expand your audience via other social media channels, then don’t hesitate to include them in your law firm marketing strategy.

Improve Your Law Firm SEO

You can spend a lot of time and effort on your website, but consumers still won’t find it if you don’t prioritize law firm SEO. Google wants to see that you’ve created useful and relevant content. By using social media to promote your content, you will expand your opportunities to generate clicks from consumers and Google will notice the extra traffic. This helps boost your law firm SEO so your practice will show up higher in the Google search results when people search for legal services.

Promote Your Legal Content

Whether you have in-house legal content writers or you outsource these services, you should prioritize promoting your content. You can also promote any special events you might be participating in. People come to social media to learn about brands, so by sharing news about your involvement with the community or other current events, you’ll boost your brand recognition.

Build Trust With The Public

Social proof is a concept too many law firms don’t pay enough attention to. Consumers want to learn about brands online by evaluating their social media presence, reviews, and more. This is social proof that the law firm is reputable and can be trusted. If you’ve received any Google reviews, consider posting them to your social media pages. The more you can share content that builds trust, the more clients will ultimately be attracted to your law firm.

Always Educate Your Potential Clients

You should always incorporate a mix of different types of content you share on social media. You will lose a lot of followers if you only advertise your law firm. Instead, consider promoting content that educates your potential clients. This content can include recent cases you’ve handled, general information about legal processes, information about your law firm, and more. People visit social media to become educated on certain topics, so you have a valuable opportunity to tell them everything they need to know about your law firm.

So now that you understand the importance of social media when it comes to your law firm marketing, how can you fit it in? Our experts at iwebcontent are here to help promote your law firm, while you focus on taking care of your clients. We are specialized in website design, law firm SEO, content creation, and much more. Our goal is to help you earn new clients without having to spend resources on hiring a marketing team. To learn more about our services and how we can help boost your social media presence, contact us today.

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