Proofreading Service

6 Ways a Proofreading Service can Improve Your Website Content

Having a talented writer on your staff is a huge benefit. Your digital presence is critical in today’s business climate and the content on your website plays a big role in it. But while you have a great writer, do you also have a great proofreader service? Many companies simply let their writer proofread their own content, which could reduce some mistakes, but doesn’t necessarily optimize the content further.

Hiring a proofreading service can not only ensure your content is mistake-free, but it can also optimize the content for SEO purposes. The goal of your content is likely to increase the number of website visitors and ultimately lead to more conversions. We’ve explained several reasons why hiring a professional proofreader is worth it for your company.

Ensure Your Content Is Error-Free with a Proofreading Service

Sometimes your staff writers are so knowledgeable about a particular subject that they overlook obvious grammatical or punctuation errors. While the facts of the content may be stellar and effective, grammatical errors can hurt you in different ways. For one, Google doesn’t like content with a lot of typographical errors, so your SEO ranking will suffer as a result. 

And then you have to think about your audience. Readers don’t want to spend time trying to figure out what you are saying in your content. Grammatical and punctuation errors can make this a reality that’s alleviated with a professional proofreading service. Error-free content is more important today than it has ever been, and working with a professional proofreader can ensure it’s not an issue in your content.

Readable Content That Stays On Topic

Experienced copywriters know how to stay on topic. However, even the most knowledgeable copywriters can slowly get off-topic, particularly when they are writing a lengthy piece. One of the things a professional proofreader looks for is on-topic content throughout the copy. Sometimes it’s just a few sentences or paragraphs that get slightly off-topic that need to be reworded. And when the proofreader understands your industry, they can make the content flow more naturally, while still keeping the facts accurate. 

Invaluable Feedback And Comments For Future Improvements

The professional proofreader you hire should provide your staff writer with feedback and comments to include in future content. Many times writers make the same mistakes repeatedly simply out of habit. But once a bad habit is broken, writers typically do not revert to them going forward. And while it’s always valuable to have a professional proofreader edit your content, the number of errors your writer makes can decrease over time if they follow the helpful feedback.

Minor Tweaks Can Make Any Copy Look Professional

You might be surprised sometimes at how minor tweaks can enhance how professional your content looks. Proofreaders need to understand the tone you are aiming for and experienced ones can ensure the tone matches throughout the copy. It’s easy for writers to get bogged down with a particular tone and end up writing sentences that deviate from the goal of the content. A professional proofreading service is trained to identify these deviations and help steer the content back on the desired track.

Use White Space Effectively For Easy Reading

Sometimes copywriters are so good at what they do that they keep rambling on about a particular topic. While the substance of the content might be incredible, you sometimes end up with blocks of text that can be unappealing to readers. The effective use of white space is something a proofreading service will take into consideration as well. 

Many times you don’t necessarily have to delete text from your content, but just shift it around. This can include adding images or turning two long paragraphs into four short ones instead. There are many creative ways to use white space effectively and an experienced proofreading service can help achieve it.

A Proofreading Service Is Cost-Effective

Arguably the best thing about a professional proofreading service is it’s cost-effective to hire them. Most services offer flexible options based on the amount of content you have weekly or monthly. And when you think about the value of this type of service, the cost can pay for itself over time with the increased content quality. Typographical errors can hurt your Google ranking, which means fewer people find your website. Consider the potential lost sales from this scenario and it’s much easier to justify the cost of a professional proofreader.

Choose The Best Proofreading Service To Improve Your Content

There are plenty of proofreaders online claiming to be the best. When you look for a proofreading service, consider hiring a company that offers other content services as well. Anyone can claim to be a proofreader. But what you want is a proofreading service that knows how to optimize every piece of content your copywriters create. This gives you the best bang for your buck and helps you grow your business.

Our team at iwebcontent can provide proofreading services to optimize your content to help you achieve your business goals. We want to learn more about your business aspirations so we can help tailor your content appropriately. Being in alignment is essential and we are willing to take the time to ensure we understand your company. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to learn more about our proofreading service and how to get started.

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