PPC Marketing

Effective PPC Marketing Starts With an Expert Strategy

As a small business owner, one of your goals might be to increase brand awareness. Another goal might be to drive traffic to your website. No matter how conservative or ambitious your goals are, advertising your brand is essential. You might have heard about PPC marketing, also known as pay per click advertising. It’s one of the most widely-used marketing strategies for many reasons. If your goal is to develop a stellar strategy to help your business grow the right way, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips to help you become a PPC marketing expert.

What Are Your Specific Business Goals?

Every PPC marketing campaign should begin with evaluating your business goals. These goals serve as the foundation for the decisions you make regarding your advertisements. Some of the most common goals revolve around lead generation, increasing website traffic, boosting brand awareness, and driving conversions. The specific goals you outline will determine the best PPC strategy to implement. While you can always adjust your strategy as your goals change, it’s essential to be laser-focused on certain goals so you can clearly evaluate your campaign success.

Target Your Audience Based On Intent

You might know everything there is to know about your customers, but how do you ensure advertisements reach them? With Google Ads, you can target your audience and lead them through your sales funnel. Success with Google Ads depends on the keywords you choose and what the intent of those keywords is. For example, with transactional keywords, consumers are actively looking to make a purchase. With informational keywords, consumers are seeking more information before making a purchase. And with navigational keywords, consumers are looking for a particular website.

The type of intent keywords you focus on should be based on the specific goals you outline. So if your goal with a PPC marketing campaign is to increase sales, you should focus on transactional keywords.

How To Target PPC Ads On Social Media

When you advertise on LinkedIn and Facebook, you can take advantage of audience targeting. With the Audience Insights feature on Facebook, you can define your audience by providing lifestyle information and demographics. Not only does this help you with ad targeting, but it also helps you understand your audience better. Evaluate the metrics from social media pay per click advertising and you can gain some insight into the type of content you should create.

Prioritize The Optimization Of Landing Pages

Speaking of content, the content on your landing pages is essential to reaching your business goals. Every landing page should be relevant to the advertisement and be the next step in the sales funnel. If your landing page is generic or doesn’t provide much information, then consumers will leave. Not only does this lead to a potential lost sale, but it also hurts your website ranking. Be direct and specific with every landing page you create so consumers don’t have to look long to find what they came for.

Creating Google Ads To Maximize Effectiveness

Before you can create effective Google Ads, you have to define your audience and optimize your landing pages. Every advertisement is essentially a link to connect the two and to show consumers why they should click on it. You can customize your Google Ads with different headlines, extensions, and calls to action to get the attention of your audience more effectively. Use the tools available to you to create the best Google Ads possible to support your business goals.

Metrics To Evaluate In Any PPC Marketing Campaign

Once you’ve designed and published your Google Ads, it’s time to evaluate them. Some of the top metrics you should focus on include:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

Obviously, some of these metrics will carry more weight based on the goals you set forth with a particular PPC marketing campaign. The ROAS metric is ultimately the one you should always evaluate since it gives insight into the overall effectiveness of the ad. However, all of them are important to different degrees based on your strategy.

Be Willing To Adapt And Adjust Your Strategies

Once you’ve evaluated your metrics, you have to be willing to adjust strategies as necessary. Sometimes a keyword you think will lead to conversions doesn’t perform as well as you had hoped. Take the metrics for what they are and make adjustments along the way. The willingness to adjust is what will take your PPC marketing success to the next level and make it worth it.

Work With Experts To Fine-Tune Your PPC Marketing Strategy

Developing an effective PPC marketing strategy can take a lot of time, effort, and research. When you’ve got other aspects of your business to run, it can be difficult to fit in PPC. That’s where working with reliable PPC experts enters the picture. They can handle virtually every aspect of PPC, while you handle the front-line issues with your business.

When you’re ready to elevate your PPC marketing efforts, iwebcontent is here to help. Our team has many years of PPC ads experience and we will work with you to help you reach your business goals. It starts with a free consultation to learn about your business, so contact us today to begin the process.

ppc marketing
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