Landscaping marketing agency

Content is King: Landscaping Edition

In the digital world we live in today, word-of-mouth marketing doesn’t have the same impact as it used to. Landscaping business owners have traditionally relied on word-of-mouth or other subtle forms of marketing to earn business. However, by embracing digital marketing, you could set yourself up for earning more customers and surpassing your competition. Here are some strategies to consider when it comes to digital marketing for landscaping companies.

Get Your Landscaping Company Noticed With Creative Content

With information available at their fingertips online, your customers will likely turn to the internet to find the landscaping services they need. If you don’t have a discoverable website, then you’ll never earn their call. The main goal for marketing for landscaping companies is to create content that will earn the attention of potential customers. From creating an attractive logo to showing personality in your content and anything in between, you want everything on your website to be memorable. A bland website with very few images will look like a run-down brick-and-mortar store where people question whether they are still open for business.

Keep Your Audience’s Attention With Useful Blog Content

Once you have visitors to your website, your content should be interesting enough to keep them there. They are likely visiting to find out what landscaping services you offer or to discover if you offer a specific service they need. Other people might be trying to find out tips or tricks to handle their landscaping. This is where your blog page enters the picture. 

The blog content on your website should provide insight into different landscaping tips, tricks, techniques, and more. Don’t necessarily use it to promote your business, but always provide a call to action if they want to reach out to you for your services. Your blog page is one of the most essential components of your website, so reach out to a landscaping marketing agency to get yours set up.

Establish Trust With Every Piece Of Content

Customers need to trust landscaping companies online before they hire them. This trust can be developed through your website content. Anything you write about should be clear and concise and always have your potential customer’s best interests in mind. Focus on highlighting common problems homeowners and business owners have with their landscaping and how your services can solve their problems. Include images of past work so they can see the quality for themselves. 

Create Human-Readable Content While Prioritizing SEO

If you read about various digital marketing strategies for landscaping companies, you’ll likely learn about the importance of search engine optimization (SEO). While SEO is very important, it’s not as important as creating human-readable content. If you try to stuff as many keywords as possible into your content, then it will sound like a robot wrote it. This is a great way to frustrate website visitors and make them lose trust in your business. Instead, create content that’s natural for humans to read and incorporate keywords throughout. A quality landscaping marketing agency can provide tips or help you write content that balances readability with SEO.

Demonstrate Expertise And Highlight Calls To Action

With your website, you have a platform to demonstrate your expertise and show why you are worthy of being hired. You don’t have to sound like a salesperson on your website. Simply talk about the services you offer and the projects you’ve completed, and include photos for proof. And never forget to add your call to action so people know how to contact you for your services.

Promote Your Content Via Email

Now that you know what type of content to include on your website, we can dive into some strategies for marketing for landscaping companies. Over time, you can collect email addresses from people who visit your website and other sources. Use this as an opportunity to put together email marketing campaigns and promote the content you worked so hard to create from your website. A monthly or bi-monthly email is all you need to keep your landscaping business fresh on their mind when they need it.

Embrace Social Media Marketing

If you don’t have a social media account for your landscaping business, then it’s time to get one. Customers flock to social media to find out how companies interact with people. The more active you are, the more credibility you will have. Use social media to promote your content, engage with users, respond to inquiries, and more.

Hire A Content Marketing Team To Cover All Bases

Marketing for landscaping companies can be a full-time job. As a business owner, you may not have the time, skills, or resources to handle the marketing aspect of your business yourself. Hiring a landscaping marketing agency is one of the best options available today. You don’t have to pay a full-time employee, but you’ll get the benefits of a wide range of services a full-time employee would provide. You can focus on your business while all marketing aspects are handled behind the scenes.

At iwebcontent, our goal is to help your business grow while you continue doing what you do best. Our experts can help create content from scratch, revise current content, create regular blog posts, and so much more. If you’re ready to take your landscaping marketing to the next level, then contact us to schedule a consultation with our team to get started.