Marketing for dog trainers

Pawsitively Effective: Content Marketing for Dog Trainers

Dogs are some of the most lovable creatures you can bring into your family. But as dog trainers know, the hardest part is getting them to behave correctly so stronger relationships can be developed. More people are turning to hire dog trainers due to their expertise and the lack of time that dog owners have to dedicate to training. With the competition for dog training professionals being strong, content marketing for dog trainers has become essential. Here are some tips to consider to enhance your marketing strategies and attract more clients to your business.

Start By Cleaning Up Your Website

Every dog trainer should have a fun website to visit. If your current website doesn’t have much content or many images, then chances are people aren’t going to stay very long. You only have a few seconds to make an impression on a website visitor. They need to trust you within those few seconds and the only way to earn their trust is to have an attractive website. No one wants to read long blocks of text. They would most likely rather listen to your voice on a video on your homepage, so consider adding one to your site.

Content Needs To Be Human-Readable With SEO Mixed In

When it comes to content marketing for dog trainers, you want to share content that is easy to read. Too many business owners make the mistake of thinking they need to stuff their content with keywords so their site will show up higher in search results. While it’s important to include certain relevant keywords, it’s more important to keep the language natural. Too many keywords can make your content sound like a robot wrote it, which will make people frustrated and leave. This will in turn hurt your Google ranking, so always make your content sound as natural as possible.

What Should Your Blog Post Topics Be About?

Your blog page should be the one page that gets updated most frequently. Whether you create a new post once a week or once a month, your clients and potential clients should look forward to reading them. The topics of your blog posts can vary widely. Talk about some of the characteristics and traits of certain breeds of dogs that clients can relate to. You might also write about a success story from one of the dogs you trained. The idea is to relate to dog owners with every post without necessarily selling your services too much.

Video Marketing Is Invaluable For Dog Trainers

Video marketing for dog trainers might be the most effective strategy to consider. You can write about training dogs as much as you want, but the reality is it’s a visual industry. Dog owners want to see how you interact with other dogs, what your voice sounds like, your body language, and more. These videos don’t need to be long, but they need to be straight and to the point. 

Share Content And Engage With Users On Social Media

Social media marketing is another point of emphasis when it comes to marketing for dog trainers. People turn to social media to see more about you and how you engage with others. Positive interactions are essential and can validate a potential client’s positive feelings about you. Share your blog posts and videos on social media and engage with people in the comments to enhance your marketing strategy and pull back the curtain on your business a bit.

Create eBooks With Exclusive Dog Training Tips And Tricks

People tend to crave exclusive information and you can provide it to them with eBooks. These could be about how to help dog owners train their dogs at home, but then include information about why professional dog training is valuable. Make a comparison between a dog that was trained solely by its owner and a dog trained by a professional and compare the outcomes. You can cover a wide range of topics in your eBooks, but make sure you highlight the exclusivity of the information.

Dogs Are Fun, So Your Content Should Be Too

It’s easy to get caught up in the details of creating content that has the right amount of keywords and the right topics. This can sometimes lead to sounding unnatural and boring, which is the exact opposite of what it should sound like. Remember that dogs are fun animals and pet owners are seeking your services because they want to have even more fun with your dogs. The more fun it looks like you are having, the more clients you will attract.

Dogs Need Trainers Like Business Owners Need Content Experts

Just like dog owners shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to a dog trainer, business owners shouldn’t shy away from hiring professional content marketers. From designing your website to creating content and anything in between, content experts can help enhance marketing for dog trainers. Then you can focus on what you do best, which is working with your furry friends.

Our content experts at iwebcontent are ready to help take your dog training business to the next level. You are great at what you do and we can tell everyone about it. Our goal is to boost the visibility of your business so we can grow together. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation with our team and see how we can help.