Content Marketing


Content Marketing is Still #1

It’s the most affordable way to increase your organic search traffic.

Content Marketing Areas We Focus On

Through trial and error, analysis and evaluation, we’ve fine-tuned the areas we focus on that Google values the most. Those include:

Our Content Marketing 5-Step Formula

Developing the best content marketing strategy can catapult your website higher in the Google rankings. And when you have improved search results, clients will discover you more easily. So how does content marketing work? Follow these five easy steps:

  1. Keyword-Rich Blog Articles
    Fresh content posted to your website every workday is vital. It basically tells Google you have something new to offer and they should take a look.
  2. Links
    You can’t underestimate the importance of links from blog articles to other pages. These include links to landing pages and related sites creating a strong chain that generates “the juice” to power your website to the top in your keywords.
  3. Keyword-Rich Site Content
    Optimizing your existing content could be one of the easiest steps to improve your content marketing. Our content marketing agency can analyze your content and identify ways to boost your SEO. The result is generating more traffic to your site.
  4. Inbound Marketing Tactics
    Landing pages with embedded forms and some sort of offer can make a major impact on visitors. These offers can include eBooks, videos, and other special offers.
  5. Social Media
    Announce all of your content on social media at the appropriate times and on the appropriate platforms. Doing so adds fuel to your search engine ranking flame to strengthen your search position even more.

What happens next? New leads!

Expect your phone to start ringing or your email inbox to blow up with new leads. And while you enjoy the new leads, remember staying at your well-deserved Google ranking is a constant battle. There are dozens of companies looking to take your place, so you have to fight to stay on top. That’s where our content marketing services enter the picture. We can implement our proven five-step formula to help your content marketing strategy succeed.

Following our 5-step Content Marketing formula and working with the top content marketing services can help your website soar. We took our own advice and implemented these steps on our own website. The result? Our brand is displayed prominently on page one of Google. When you’re ready to put our five-step content marketing process to the test, we are available to help you implement it. Contact us today!


Content Marketing