Why Google Is Transitioning Its Strategy by Making Mobile Websites Mandatory

Today’s Internet users largely access websites through their mobile devices, even when they are at home or in other locations where computers were once used. This means you need a mobile marketing content writing service to help you build a more effective mobile website that will get the results you’re looking for. This is why Google is transitioning to a mobile approach for their search results.
Larger Traffic Numbers
The mobile website platform is rapidly growing as more people are buying smartphones and data plans, along with tablets. Fewer people are sitting down in front of a desktop computer or even pulling out the laptop to search for things online. Experienced content marketers will tell you a growing number of people are relying solely on smaller mobile devices to browse websites and experience the Internet in its entirety. Because Google has a tendency to cater to what a majority of Internet users want, it only makes sense they will focus more on providing mobile-friendly websites in the search results to ensure everyone has the best possible experience.
Lower Bounce Rates
When individuals are looking at a website, the overall experience will determine whether they stay and browse through other pages on the site. If your website isn’t optimized for a mobile device, you will find your bounce rate is much higher because those who are using these devices will leave your site when they can’t easily see what they are looking for. Google recognizes the importance of keeping bounce rates lower and thus places greater importance on websites that will provide their users with the ultimate experience. An improved user experience plays a valuable role in how well you rank on the search engines.

Responsive Web Design Makes It Easy
A mobile marketing content writing service understands the importance of using responsive website design to create a website. One of the reasons many companies have hesitated to make the move to a mobile website is the fear of having to spend the time and money on a second, separate website design. This is no longer an issue. With the introduction of responsive website design, you only need to create one site that will automatically adjust based on the size of the viewer’s screen. Because it is now easier and less expensive for businesses to get a mobile-friendly website, Google can focus on ranking these sites higher to give Internet users the information they need in the right format.

Improving the User Experience
The main focus of Google, like other search engines, is to ensure users can quickly and easily find the information they need. Many sites that are optimized for access via a laptop or desktop computer can’t give the experience many of today’s Internet users require. This means Google is going to showcase the content that will please the most users. If you haven’t already created a mobile design for your website, you will soon find your rankings have dropped and you may struggle to restore them. For this reason, it’s important to start working with website content writing services as quickly as possible to ensure you are taking all the right steps to be considered a mobile-friendly website.
A mobile website is quickly becoming an absolute necessity for your business. This makes working with a mobile marketing content writing service a must. These experienced content marketers can help you redesign your website and the content you release in a mobile-friendly format so you can come out on top when the search engines change their algorithms once again. For many businesses, the changes will be relatively minor, causing little or no disruption to the operation of your website.
If you need a mobile website and content, contact us. We can help you meet the requirements of the search engines so more people find your website.