Lead Nurturing: The Online Marketing Tool of the Week
Gathering leads may be the focus of your marketing strategies, but what you do with those leads is perhaps more critical to your success. Lead nurturing is just as important to your inbound marketing strategy as bringing those leads to your website. If you don’t know what to do with those leads once you have them, website content writers can help you cultivate your leads and increase the chances they will convert into sales.
What Is Lead Nurturing?
Once you have new leads, you need to know what the next step you should take is so you can encourage those individuals to become your customers. Because as many as 96 percent of people who visit your website for the first time aren’t ready to make a final purchase, it’s important to know the best ways to reach out to them and make a good first impression. With the right nurturing, you could turn 70 percent of those individuals into customers. Lead nurturing refers to the practice of communicating with your leads and showing them why your business is the right choice.
Send an Exclusive Offer
Sometimes individuals aren’t ready to make a purchase because they’re looking for the best deal possible on a product or service. They may visit your website to gauge how much you charge and may even leave their contact information if they think your prices could be their best option. You can give them an extra boost by offering a special deal only available to those who provide their contact information. Your website content writers can help you create content that reflects your intentions and encourages people to fill out the form so you can freely contact them with an offer.
Consider a First-Time Buyer Discount
When someone is looking for a product or service for the first time, they may be hesitant to give it a try because they are unsure of what they’re doing. Your inbound marketing strategy should address how to approach these individuals. In many cases, providing a first-time buyer discount, such as a free sample a percentage off the first purchase or even free shipping, can be enough to get them to try your business first. This gives you a chance to impress your prospects and turn them into customers.
Provide Valuable Content
One of the easiest ways to get individuals to provide their contact information is to offer them the valuable information they’re looking for. Of all the marketing strategies, content marketing can be one of the most effective methods. Most people have questions they want answered before they make a purchase. If you are able to provide the answers they seek, odds are they will turn to you when they’re finally ready to make a purchase. You can share content in a number of ways. In addition to your blog and website content, creating eBooks, videos, white papers and other long-form content to offer in exchange for contact information can further nurture your leads.
Get Your Sales Team on the Same Page
Lead nurturing isn’t solely reserved for your marketing team. While website content writers are a critical element of your success, your sales team needs to be on the same page. Setting up a strategy for dealing with any leads that come in will make sure every prospective customer gets the same information and all leads are followed up on to increase the chances of success. Some of the tactics that should be addressed include:
- Defining what a viable lead is
- Determining the appropriate methods of communication, along with the timing
- Sharing profiles of optimal leads
- Considering integrating sales metrics to help everyone track success
Lead nurturing is one of the most important aspects of a successful inbound marketing strategy. Not following up on your leads in the appropriate manner is one of the leading causes of low conversion rates. While it’s important to be able to bring more customers to your website, as well as generate more leads, those leads are useless without the proper techniques to encourage those leads to become your customers. However, with the help of experienced website content writers, you can find new marketing strategies designed to impress your leads and help them realize your value.
Are you looking for website content writers to help you nurture your leads? Contact us. We can help you create valuable content that will show your leads why you are the right choice.