Brand Monitoring: The Online Marketing Tool of the Week
You work hard on your branding, but do you keep working at it after you create the right look for your business? If the answer is no, you could be missing out on effectively reaching your target audience. Brand monitoring is a critical element to ensure your marketing campaign is as successful as you want it to be. Social media monitoring tools are one of the ways you can monitor brands, but professional content writers may also use other tools to check additional aspects of your branding success.
Why You Should Monitor Your Brand
Some companies avoid brand monitoring because they think it costs too much money. However, when you compare the benefits of this information versus the cost, you quickly see the value in hiring social media content writers who know how to get results.
Find Areas of Improvement
Your branding might not be perfect the first time you implement it. When you monitor brands, you may be able to identify weak spots that could benefit from improvements. For instance, you may find your social media efforts aren’t reaching the right audience or your search results aren’t ranking for the right keywords. Armed with this information, your professional content writers can make adjustments to your branding strategy to compensate and improve your results.
Watch Your Competitors
Social media monitoring tools can also help you see what your competitors are doing. Sometimes knowing how they are reaching the same audience you are targeting can help you make changes to your own strategies to help you stand apart. Identifying their weaknesses can also benefit you.
Identify New Revenue Opportunities
You may think you are approaching your branding from every possible angle, only to find there are other potential revenue streams available. Listening to what people are saying about your business or your industry can help you better met their needs. It can also help you see who your customers may be, filling in the demographics you may have been missing.
Build Brand Trust
People and companies that use your products and services may be talking about you online, helping you reach even more prospective customers. Monitoring your brand can help you find these third-party mentions, increasing your chances of finding the people who are already using your products and services.
How Can You Monitor Brands?
Every business needs to look into brand monitoring to ensure they are making the most of their online presence. After all, if your online presence isn’t performing the way it should, you could be missing out on a significant number of your potential customers. While there are numerous ways to monitor your brand, these are a few of the most common.
Twitter often makes it easy for brands to monitor use. For instance, you can start a conversation using a unique hashtag and keep track of how many other people are getting involved in the same conversation. It’s also important to check for @ mentions, which will let you know when people are trying to get your attention or expect a response from you.
Facebook is another commonly used social media platform that makes it easy for you to find out who is talking about you and why. Facebook users are able to mention a company in a post in either a negative or positive way. If you use social media monitoring tools, you will quickly find these mentions and be able to respond appropriately for the best results to give your brand the boost it needs.
Online Searches
Google Alerts is a useful tool that can be set up to let you know when people are searching for specified terms. This could include the name of your brand, as well as your products and services. Be sure to use derivatives that are commonly used so you can get the most accurate results.
Finally, your blog can be a useful tool in brand monitoring. While many people turn to blogs to gather information, customers may use it as a place to lodge a complaint or leave a compliment. It’s important to set up your blog to alert you when new comments are left. This helps you stay on top of necessary responses.
If you aren’t using brand monitoring techniques to improve your online presence, it may be time to start. These practices will help you identify weaknesses and make improvements to help your customers find you.
If you’re looking for professional content writers to help you make the best impression on your customers, contact us. We can help you create the content you need to complement your branding.