Improving Your Sign-Up Form: The Online Marketing Tool of the Week

A customized landing page or webpage with a sign-up form is one of the best marketing practices to help you drive more traffic and attract more customers. However, it’s important to find ways of improving your sign-up form to increase the number of people who fill it out and provide the information you need. Understanding the best ways to encourage people to fill out their information will help you generate more leads.
Show Off Your Branding
First and foremost, it’s important to implement your branding into your sign-up form, giving individuals peace of mind in who they’re providing their information to. The benefits of branded images are vast. Consistent branding is necessary to ensure you look professional and to build a sense of trust between you and your customers. For some people, pop-up forms can be irritating, but if they see it’s from a company they can trust, they are far more likely to fill out the form than close the pop-up window.
Make Your Call to Action Obvious
As with any other content you create for online marketing purposes, it’s important to consider the effectiveness of your call to action text. A call to action tells your readers what they should be doing and why. However, in addition to making sure this part of the page is written clearly and concisely, it’s critical to make sure it is located where it’s most likely to be seen. To make it stand out, consider using contrasting colors, a larger font or prominent positioning on the page. Sometimes you may need to test a few options to see which one is the most effective.

Simplify It
When you’re using pop-up forms for signups, it’s important to make sure they are as simple as possible. Before you create your form, consider exactly how much information you really need. If you plan on emailing people, all you need is their name and email address. Never ask for more than you require. The less information you ask for, the more likely people will fill out the form. Consumers don’t like intrusive questions, especially if they think you are going to try to sell them something.
Consider the Benefits of the Pop-Up Form
Using pop-up forms for sign-ups is one of the best marketing practices you can use. This is because, while a pop-up can be somewhat of an inconvenience, if you choose to fill it out, it won’t interrupt the page you’re already on. Because there’s less disruption to their regular browsing, it’s likely they will fill it out and continue about their business.
Offer an Incentive
Consumers generally don’t like filling out forms if they won’t be getting anything in return. For this reason, it’s important to consider offering an incentive for providing their information to your business. For instance, you can offer them a discount on the services you offer or allow them to download an ebook that covers important information relating your industry. When you offer something people want, they are more likely to fill out the form to get it. This gives you the opportunity to contact them to let them know why you have the solution to their problem.

Provide a Guarantee
One of the reasons individuals are often unwilling to provide their contact information to businesses is because they fear the information will be sold or otherwise misused. If you don’t intend to use their data in this way, it’s critical to make sure they know that. Providing a written guarantee stating you won’t sell or otherwise share their information with any other business will give them peace of mind. If you are offering a special deal or other sales pitch with your form, you should also consider providing a 30, 60 or 90-day money-back guarantee.
Improving your sign-up form will help you attract more people who are willing to fill it out and provide their contact information. There are many methods that will increase the chances visitors will be happy with your sign-up form. When you follow these tips, you will be able to build more qualified leads so you can increase your sales.
If you’re looking for help with your sign-up forms, contact us. Our experienced team of marketers can help you create forms that will attract more people who will be willing to fill it out.