How To Create an Unforgettable Logo Design
Creating a business logo design may be one of the most important initial steps you take to separate your company from the competition. It is, after all, the face of your business. Potential customers may see your logo in Internet ads, in print magazines, on billboards and commercials, and, if brick-and-mortar is your world, they will drive past it hundreds of times a year. What will they see? Will it be inviting? Will they even notice it?
You hold the key from the onset. No one knows your company more than you. You created it out of passion. You painstakingly drafted a business plan, surveyed the clientele, the competition, and you have invested your life into this. What message do you wish to send out to the world?
If this is a brand new company, please understand that logo design is critical. Perhaps you have decided to rebrand. Why would your business need to rebrand? Here’s an article to shed some light on that subject.
There are countless logo design services but they will all rely heavily on you to supply them with what you want. A clear vision of the brand values is a must. You have to know what message you are sending to the world. Invite the world in. There are numerous ingredients to this process. Style, colors, and target audience are all vital to the success of your logo.
Unless you possess the skills and talents to create this yourself (which, since you’re reading this, you probably don’t) then you need to seek help. Fear not! There are different ways to create what you need. As is often the case, the budget will play a major role. You should expect to spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands. While you aren’t the actual designer of the logo, you will have a lot of input in its creation. Let’s individually revisit the ingredients:
The Overall Vision of Your Logo
Style: This will depend largely on the nature of your business. Are you a high-end clothing boutique? You’re probably going to stick to a classy design style. The logo of a sports bar, by comparison, will have a very different feel. It all relates to the type of business you operate.
Color: This could be your make it or break it right here. Color dominates psychology. It has an overwhelming weight on whether a person buys, shops, or is even interested in your products or services. Drive through the business district of your town. Identify every restaurant. Chances are you will find red in their signage. Red invokes love, passion, and yes…hunger. Choose your colors according to your product or service.
Target Audience: You know them best. Think of the demographics. What attracts teens may not draw in seniors unless the product is universal. Be sure you always use styles that connect to your audience. Make them feel as though you are reaching out specifically to them.
Selecting a Logo Designer
Once you have determined your budget, you can proceed with the best fit for you. Hopefully, after careful research into your logo design, you have decided not to cut corners. Again, it is the ‘welcome mat’ to all of your potential customers. There are myriad business design services to create your unforgettable business logo design for your budget.
Here are the basic categories:
DIY sites can help you design the logo yourself with countless templates. There are limitations to this, but many businesses have created logos in this manner with happy results. You can expect to spend a few to several hundred dollars with a fairly quick turnaround.
Inexpensive logo design platforms allow you to choose an amateur designer for almost anything, including business logo design. True, you may get what you pay for, but the result may be less than expected.
Independent creators will usually do the work for a few to several hundred dollars. The benefit of this may be a quick turnaround. If they are not bogged down with several accounts, you could receive your design in as little as days or a week.
Logo design companies can deliver all of your needs without breaking the bank – and with excellent results. Think of this as one-stop shopping for things such as web design, content, and yes, logo design. These companies have specialists to produce precisely what you need. The costs are generally in the hundreds of dollars range.
A professional design agency charges top dollar – probably thousands. Your budget will need to be substantial for this endeavor, but if you plan to grow your business into a national company, this may be what you need. Do expect a much longer turnaround time.
Let’s Recap:
- Logo design is the face of your business
- Be sure you clearly know your vision
- Choose style carefully to match the message
- Colors have a psychological effect
- Your target audience should feel drawn in
- The type of designer will be based on your budget
Just like a professional design agency, our logo designers will listen to your ideas and create an unforgettable logo for your business, but you will pay less. We have helped many companies with their first logo or an updated design. Feel free to contact us. A talented designer on our team can assist you with your business logo design ASAP!