Plumbing digital marketing

Unclog Your Marketing Potential: The Power of Digital Marketing for Plumbers

Digital marketing is essential for any business owner nowadays. When it comes to online marketing for plumbers, you need to tell people what you offer and what your business is all about. Most importantly, you should demonstrate your value and how you can help people. Many homeowners don’t have a plumber on speed dial until they find one they like. In many cases, they will turn to the internet to find them. So if you don’t have a solid online presence, you’ll never end up on their speed dial. Here are some digital marketing strategies to help your plumbing business get out of the drain.

Revamp Your Website To Make It More Attractive

Having an attractive and easy-to-read website is the first step in creating an effective plumbing digital marketing strategy. It doesn’t have to be fancy with various colors or different fonts. Remember that when people visit your website, they are usually there because they need a service immediately. Focus on fast load times, easy navigation, and just the right amount of information on each page. Include some images to break up the text, but remember that simpler is better when it comes to your plumbing business website.

Create Quality Content Customers Can Find Value

Every piece of content you create is part of your plumbing digital marketing strategy. Be specific about the services you offer so consumers know what they can call you for. If your content is full of typographical errors or was written more for keyword stuffing than for a human reading it, then you can’t expect them to stay long. Plumbing websites should also have blog posts that provide value to people, which we will get into more in-depth later.

Share Your Content And Interact On Social Media

Social media marketing is an essential strategy when it comes to online marketing for plumbers. You can open up a new world of engagement that you wouldn’t get just from having a website. But you have to be interactive. Engage with followers by asking them questions and responding to posts. Be sure to make at least a couple of posts per week to stay active. Your posts can contain your website content, polls, questions for people, and anything else you can think of. The goal of social media marketing is to show consumers the human side of your business.

Incorporate SEO Into Your Website Content

It’s important to balance human-readable content with content that Google wants to see. Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) should be a priority in your plumbing digital marketing strategy. This involves researching keywords consumers commonly use when searching for plumbers. The idea is for your website to show up as high as possible in the search engine results so there’s a better chance people will click on it. The more optimized for SEO your website is, the higher it will rank with Google and it will be listed on the first page of a consumer’s search results.

Email Marketing Keeps Your Business Top-of-mind

Homeowners don’t always need a plumber. So you need to find a way to ensure they remember you when they do need one. Email marketing is a great way to enhance online marketing for plumbers. You can put together a monthly newsletter that promotes your blog posts, offers specials or discounts, and more. The goal of email marketing is to keep your business at the top of the minds of your customers so they’ll remember who to call when they need a plumber.

Showcase Your Expertise

The value of having a collection of blog posts on your plumbing website can’t be understated. Some people want to learn about a plumbing issue they are having before they call a plumber to see if they can fix it themselves. You could use your blog page to talk about certain plumbing issues and discuss whether it’s a DIY project or if a professional is required. Never use your blog page as an opportunity to sell your services. Instead, consumers should be provided with as much information as possible since they are likely there to collect this information.

Keep Your Business Information Updated

Whether it’s on your website, through Google business listings, or anywhere else, always make sure your business information is up to date. Your phone number, email address, and hours of operation must be accurate or you will lose credibility immediately. Let people know how and when they can reach out to you for your services.

Grow Your Brand with Digital Experts

Online marketing for plumbers is not something you can do once and expect it to be effective for many years. It takes constant updating and tweaking, which most plumbers do not have the time for. Instead of sacrificing digital marketing, consider working with experts to ensure you maintain your customer base and expand it even more. It’s one of the most effective ways to keep up with your competition in the highly competitive digital world we live in today.

At iwebcontent, we have digital marketing experts ready to unclog your company’s marketing potential. From creating websites to crafting valuable blog posts and anything in between, we can help your business gain more exposure. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help your plumbing business thrive.