Where Content is Queen, Wording is King: How To Use Words That Sell

If you talk to any online marketing firm, they will tell you creating quality content that offers valuable information to your readers is the best thing you can do to boost your sales. However, it isn’t just the content you create; it’s also the words your content writer uses. When you try to find content writers, it’s important to choose a team that knows how to use the optimal words to sell your products or services to your customers.
Are You Selling In the Right Places?
One of the biggest concerns is whether you are using sales content in the right places on your website. Not all pages require the same level of sales language as others. When you work with a quality content writer, you will find out which pages should contain the most sales language to have the best impact on your readers. If you try to sell on every page of your website, you are more likely to drive visitors away than to encourage them to buy from you.
Is Your Current Sales Language Enough?
Companies that already have a website don’t often re-evaluate their content. However, this is a necessary part of creating a valuable sales website. If you aren’t sure whether your current content uses the right sales language, you need to find content writers with experience in reviewing websites to determine the value of the content already on your website. Any weaknesses can then be resolved with a simple rewrite using better words that promote sales.
Try Different Copy Options
Sometimes your first try at compelling sales copy doesn’t create the results you want. In these situations, you may need to work with your content writer to create multiple versions of the sales pages on your website. Place one version of the content on your website and track your results for a couple of weeks or months. You can then try a different version for the same amount of time to determine which option appeals to your target audience most so you can maximize your sales.
The Importance of Power Words
An amateur may not realize the importance of using the right words in your sales copy. However, not all words have the same level of power as others. Think about it. When you read content on more than one site in the same industry, some of them may make you want to buy, while others leave you feeling indifferent. Why is that? The reason is simple. Using the right sales language entices people to make a purchase on a subconscious level.
Which Words Are Considered Power Words?
Now that you understand the importance of power words, you must work with your content writer to determine which ones you should use. Some of these words naturally appear in your website writing. Others, on the other hand, require the assistance of a quality content writer to effectively implement them into your website content. Some of the best words to use in your sales pages include:
- You – One of the most important things is to talk directly to your consumer.
- Free – Everyone likes to get something for free. When you offer something for free, they will pay attention.
- Guaranteed – Potential customers can be nervous about buying from a new company. A guarantee can help ease their minds.
- Easy – No one wants to work too hard to get something. The word “easy” shows them they can get what they need with little effort.
- Act now – These words incite a sense of urgency in your readers, making them feel like they have to make a purchase as soon as possible.
- New – The same products and services can become commonplace. When you claim to offer something new, they are more likely to consider trying it.
- Instant – Instant gratification is a major part of today’s society. For this reason, this word will grab attention.
- Bargain – Consumers are always looking to save money and find bargains. Telling them your products or services are a bargain can encourage them to make a purchase.
- How to – Most people visit a website because they have questions. Using the words “how to” in your title or your content will show them you have the answers.
Creating compelling sales content often requires a quality content writer. If you already have a website, your content writer can determine whether it needs to be revised to improve your sales. Even if you are starting a new website, you will find content writers are the best way to create content that uses the right power words to entice your readers to become customers.
If you are looking for help with your sales content, contact us. Our experienced content writers can help you create content that leads to more sales.