Strategies for Successful Newsletter Marketing
Could your email marketing content use a boost? If you don’t already send a regular newsletter, you could be missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with your audience. In some ways, newsletter marketing is one of the main reasons why companies maintain relationships with customers since it gives a customer something to look forward to. However, creating a newsletter isn’t always as simple as typing an email and sending it to your contact list. There has to be a certain level of creativity, as well as understanding your audience completely. Newsletter marketing can be very successful and these tips can help you boost the success of your campaign.
Why You Should Focus On Newsletter Marketing
Let’s first start by talking about why newsletter marketing is worth your time. Newsletters are better than advertisements in some ways because they go directly into a recipient’s email inbox. If you have a catchy subject line and the customer receives it at the right time, there is a decent likelihood they’ll open it. And when you consider the cost of designing a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter compared to advertising, you could see significant long-term cost savings. These are just a couple of benefits of newsletter marketing, and now we’ll talk about how to make yours as successful as possible.
Create Measurable Goals
Before you even sit down to think about what will go into your newsletter, you should create well-defined and measurable goals. You might have an overall theme for your regular newsletters, with some additional features added weekly. Ask these questions regarding the purpose(s) of your newsletter:
- Do you want to increase your exposure to your blog articles?
- Do you have special events regularly that you want to highlight?
- Do you want to increase conversions with it?
Regardless of the reasons for creating a newsletter, answering these questions can help you create a targeted one with measurable goals.
Constantly Evaluate Key Performance Indicators
You should always evaluate email marketing content, regardless of the type. The best way to do this is by evaluating key performance indicators that give you some insight into how well your campaign is going. Some of these metrics include:
- Click rate
- Open rate
- Bounce rate
- Sign-up rate
- Conversion rate
Compare these metrics to the content of your newsletter to get a better idea of what your customers want to see. If one particular newsletter did not get opened as much as you had thought, then try to figure out the reason and adjust accordingly.
Understand The Habits Of Your Audience
Most email marketing services will help you decide when is the best time to send your newsletter to recipients. Some companies overlook this aspect, but it’s a pretty important one to consider. You can use some detailed analysis tools to understand when your audience is at their computer or on their phone the most, but the best way to find this out might be through trial and error. Send your newsletter and analyze the statistics as mentioned in the key performance indicators to see what time of day most people open the emails. Then you can set a schedule when to send your regular newsletter to increase the chances of it being viewed.
Be Creative And Targeted With Your Newsletter Content
Your newsletter content should be in alignment with your overall company goals, while also being creative and targeted to your customers. Sometimes this alignment is easy to achieve, but other times you might have to try several different versions before you find the right content your customers enjoy. If you need some inspiration, consider evaluating newsletters your competition sends out and you might get some good ideas from those. Or you could go directly to your customers with a survey and ask them what they want to see in a newsletter so you can design it accordingly.
Build Your Newsletter Recipient List
Once you have a good newsletter marketing campaign strategy, you have to find recipients to send it to. You could purchase email addresses to build your list, but we would suggest avoiding the strategy because of the very low success rate. Instead, consider putting an area where customers can sign up for your newsletter on your website. You could offer a discount for a particular product or service to entice them to sign up and you might be surprised at how much your recipient list grows.
Track Your Success And Adjust As Needed
No matter how much time you spend on your email marketing content, you have to be willing to adapt and adjust. It’s hard to predict exactly what your customers want to see and when they want to see it. Evaluating key performance indicators can speed up the process, but you’ll need to adjust based on certain situations. The best thing to do is track your success closely and ensure every newsletter is working toward your overall goals. If you aren’t reaching your goals, then making slight adjustments can go a long way in making your newsletter successful in the long term.
When you’re ready to begin a newsletter marketing campaign, hiring email marketing services is usually the best place to start. At iwebcontent, we can help by evaluating key performance indicators to ensure you’re maximizing every newsletter you send out. We can even help you with the design and the content of your newsletter. All it takes is a brief consultation to understand your business goals and customer base, so contact us today to get started.