Video Marketing

The Advantages of Video Marketing for Your Small Business

You are likely aware of how effective videos can be when marketing your business. The challenge is knowing which types of videos to create, which platforms to share them on, and more. No matter what industry your business is involved in, video marketing should play a major role. From generating leads to boosting SEO, creating brand awareness, and more, here are several things you should consider when developing a video marketing strategy.

Videos Help Explain Your Products And Services

A website video explaining what your products or services are all about can be more effective than a page full of text. However, it’s still important to include text for people who prefer to learn by reading. And other people learn by reading text and then watching a video to fully understand how certain products and services work. Without including both, you might lose out on a customer because they don’t have enough information to make a confident buying decision.

Boost Your SEO With Video Marketing

With more people consuming videos than ever before, having a business video at the top of the Google search results can lead to more customers. You might have noticed when performing a Google search that YouTube results often show up near the top of the rankings. If your videos are informational or solve a problem a customer has, there’s a chance they could rank highly on the Google search results. A good quality marketing video can boost your SEO and potentially increase traffic to your website.

Share Video Content On Social Media

If there’s one thing consumers like to do more than consuming videos, it’s sharing them on social media. It’s a business owner’s dream to have a business video go viral, but it’s rare when it happens. So instead of focusing on creating the next viral video, think about how your videos can help people. Share them on your social media platforms and encourage others to do the same. People love sharing interesting information they find with their followers, and your video could be the next one.

Give Consumers A Peek Behind The Curtain Into Your Business

Nowadays, a marketing video can have many different purposes. More than ever before, consumers want to connect with brands to ensure their values and beliefs align before they purchase products or services. A good video marketing strategy to consider is giving potential customers a glimpse behind the curtain into your business. It could be a brief video about how a popular product is made, highlighting an employee, how your company was founded, and more. Even though you might not like talking about yourself, it’s important to do so to create connections with your audience.

Increase Trust And Brand Awareness

The more people who understand your business, the more they will trust you. And with increased trust comes widespread brand awareness. When you’re thinking about video production, every video should align with your company values. Consumers need consistency in everything you do, and that includes every video you create. When they can rely on you for being a credible source of information, the trust they have in you will soar.

Be Consistent With Your Tone And Style

Whether you’re creating a video about a new product or service, or are highlighting other aspects of your company, your tone and style must be consistent. If your style is turning everything into a fun experience, then every video should seem fun for consumers. This consistency goes along with your brand awareness and gives consumers something to relate to. And once your customers feel like they have a connection with your company, they’ll choose to do business with you over your competitors.

Define Goals To Easily Measure Success

Your video marketing strategy should be designed to easily measure success. This means creating defined goals that might or might not include bottom-line sales. Sometimes your goal might be to get a certain number of views on a video even if it doesn’t lead to any conversions. Other times you might want the video to directly lead to sales. Whatever the reason is, having defined goals are essential to measuring the success of any given video you create. It allows you to understand what works and what might need improvements based on how your audience consumes your videos.

Never Sacrifice Video Quality For Quantity

Once you get started with video marketing, it can be tempting to try to produce as many videos as possible. This can get you into trouble if you let quantity become more important than quality. Consumers would much rather see two new videos each month if they are high quality rather than a daily video that doesn’t bring value. The goal is to have your audience look forward to your new videos, which is more likely to happen if you release them less frequently.

Work With Expert Video Marketers

If you’ve never taken on video production before, consider working with video marketing experts who have. They can help you not only create new videos for your business, but also share them on the right social media platforms to boost brand awareness. You have plenty of things on your plate as a business owner, so sometimes outsourcing video marketing services is the best decision you can make.

At iwebcontent, our creative team is ready to help you elevate your video marketing efforts. We work in a variety of industries and can help you achieve your goals now and in the future. It starts with a free consultation so we can learn more about each other, so contact us today to begin the process.