Video Marketing: A Customer Magnet
I get a lot of my news online. During all the recent hurricane and earthquake coverage, I read my chosen article with interest until I came to a video, which I immediately clicked on. In many cases, I became so interested and informed I never returned to the text. Videos are that powerful. We want […]
The Do’s, Don’ts & Ideas Behind Business Memes
Are you meme amenable? If the term hasn’t made it into your lexicon, you may not ‘get it’ right away. In fact, you may think memes are about as appropriate as your kids’ drawings or pets’ pictures in business marketing. Maybe some Millenial on your team has suggested it would be cool to use memes […]
5 Brands Using Memes Effectively
If you don’t know what a meme is, you’re not alone. especially if you’re looking for a definition and examples to fit the needs of business meme marketing. Simply put, memes are more than just an all-caps font, called Impact, in conjunction with a memorable image. Memes should be ideas that resonate with a certain segment of […]
How to Launch a Website: Letting the World Know You’ve Arrived
Ah, publicity! Pure gold in promotional currency. Catching the interest of the right writers, editors and producers who can, in turn, amplify your news to thousands of their readers, viewers and followers is an art, science and quid pro quo proposition. The media needs constant new content and businesses who launch a website need the […]
How to Launch a Website: Getting the Basics in Place
If you’re looking to launch a new website for your business, I’ll warn you right up front: it requires quite a bit of work! It may not seem that way. Even the simple websites you visit — those with just a few pages — go through hours of pre-planning and pre-production before they go live. […]
5 Ways to Max Your Marketing on Facebook
Do you have a favorite tool? Garlic press for making salad dressing? Needlenose pliers for getting into tight spots? How about a telescoping window washer with squeegee? I’ve been using my wonderful weed popper this summer to eradicate pesky dallisgrass. There’s a social media marketing tool (see where this is going?) that works like a […]
Why Your Business Definitely Needs a Facebook Page
By now almost everyone knows that little lowercase “ f “ in a blue or white box means “Hey, check us out on Facebook!” What you may not know is that a Facebook Page for business has a unique set of qualities designed specifically for commerce. Still intended to connect, inform and engage socially, it […]