Powerful Content Writing for Websites Promotes and Persuades
SEO content goes a long way toward getting customers to your site. Once they arrive, you need to promote your fine points and persuade them to act. Let’s get into the customer’s head for a minute–say you, the customer, are badly in need of a plumber because your hot water heater is making strange hissing […]
Why SEO is a Must for Writing Website Content
Building the Arc from Search to Site Even the best content can’t start selling until someone “sets foot” on the site. You need something more than site content; you need SEO content. Search and content are inextricably linked in a cause and effect equation. One strategy knows how to work algorithms to obtain traffic. The […]
A Blog Writer’s Secrets to Successful Topics
Behold the blank page. Virgin territory or a blog writer’s worst nightmare? How does a blocked blogger get all the ingenious ideas from inside his or her head onto the stark screen when the Word Muse just won’t materialize? Thankfully there are many tried-and-true thought starters to help the transition. Granted, coming up with original, […]
Local Search Marketing Secrets Revealed, part 2
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Citations They’re not footnotes in a college term paper or a ticket for letting your grass grow too tall. Citations, as related to website marketing, are mentions of your business in directories based on your location. More importantly, they are a key influencer of the ranking algorithms in Google and […]
Find Out How Site Content Can Increase User Interaction, part 2
Have you ever dashed into a store to pick up something and found yourself leaving an hour later? That’s a great store. You found interesting new things to look at, stimulating ideas to try at home and friendly people who shared their know how. That’s what we want for your website. In Part 1, we […]
Find Out How Site Content Can Increase User Interaction, part 1
Have you ever taken the kids to grandma’s house and heard them complain there’s nothing to do there…it’s boring? Imagine a visitor coming to your website and feeling the same way. Site content writers spend a whole lot of time determining what appeals to a particular target audience and how to increase their involvement. Much […]
Create the Call to Action Your Content Writing Deserves, part 1
Getting others to do what you want. Simple, right? Kids pick up their clothes when you remind them, dogs stop barking when you shake your finger and little old drivers speed up when you honk. Ask and you shall receive. Apply those same lukewarm gestures to your content marketing and you might as well turn […]