Benefits of a LinkedIn Personal Profile versus a LinkedIn Company Page
LinkedIn is the only social media site designed specifically for business purposes. Many companies use this site to recruit new talent, while others use it as a method of networking and furthering their own careers. If you talk to a copywriting expert, you may get different answers than when talking to another professional. Some copywriter services claim you can get great results by working your company profile and others recommend focusing on your personal profile. In most cases, you should hire a content writer for your personal page so you can get the best results from LinkedIn.
Personal Interactions
Today, customer service is all about the personal interactions you have with your customers. This means people want to interact with other people instead of a business. Your logo and branding can go a long way toward making your company more recognizable, but it won’t do much in terms of making a personal connection with customers and prospects. Think about it. Most people despise working through an automated phone menu when they call a company. Interacting with a business online instead of an actual person feels much the same way.
A business logo lacks emotion and other human characteristics. This can leave a customer or prospect feeling like they don’t personally matter to the business. Even if a professional content writer is interacting with the individuals who contact a business, it will still feel like a canned, automated response because a copywriting expert will use the voice of the brand instead of their own. In order to create a memorable experience, a personal interaction is needed.
Individual Profiles Are More Active
If you compare a personal profile against a company page, you will notice many differences. For instance, company pages don’t typically connect directly with the target audience. Instead, most of their traffic comes from a minimal number of organic hits and paid sponsor updates, which cost money against your marketing budget. While these paid sponsorships can be effective, they shouldn’t be the foundation of your marketing plan.
Personal profiles, on the other hand, have a reputation of being active and drawing more traffic without additional help. Once you develop a relationship with your customers and prospects, you will be able to easily maintain that connection for a longer period of time and will attract even more traffic. When you hire copywriters to help with this aspect of your marketing, you will generate more results, regardless of the size of your company.
Be Proactive
As a business, you have two choices for reaching your target audience: you can be proactive or reactive. Business pages on LinkedIn are reactive in nature. That means you have to wait for someone to interact with you so you can respond to their needs. In contrast, a copywriting service can help you use your personal LinkedIn page to take a proactive approach to reaching your target audience. Some of the ways in which your professional content writer can help include:
- Connect with Others – When you reach out with your personal profile, you can connect with anyone you want. It could be another industry leader who can help you build a positive reputation or someone who may need your products or services. It can even be someone who would make a good employee. In addition to these direct connections, you will automatically gain second and third level connections to people you may not otherwise reach.
- Send Messages – Everyone loves to receive a personalized message, even if it’s from a business. Company pages don’t allow you to speak unless someone speaks to your first. Your personal page, on the other hand, allows you to reach out to others and make the first point of contact.
- Join LinkedIn Groups – LinkedIn Groups aren’t as widely available to company pages, allowing you to find like-minded people who are more likely to become your customers. You can find relevant groups and join to answer questions and make more connections. You can even start your own groups to build a following and gather potential leads.
When deciding whether you should use a personal or business page as your LinkedIn marketing, it can be a difficult choice. You worked hard to build your reputation and branding, but you don’t have to cling to that to make a great impression on this social media site. Instead, you can hire copywriters with the necessary experience to help you effectively reach your target audience through a personal LinkedIn page and make connections that will turn into customers.
If you want to hire a content writer to help with your personal LinkedIn page, contact us. We can help you create an effective social media marketing plan to reach your target audience.